Jessica’s Timeline

July 4, 1985… Not only Independence Day but Jessica’s Birthday!

July 4, 1985

July 4, 1985… Not only Independence Day but Jessica’s Birthday!

On July 4th, 1985…  The world welcomed Jessica Carmen!  Beautiful was the understatement of the year!  Funny too!  What a personality!

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Jessica at 2…

March 15, 1987

Jessica at 2…

Jessica was mostly up for anything as a child…  loved having her picture taken.  Most importantly, she loved her Mom and “Mano”.

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And the Winner is… Of course it was Jessica!

August 1, 1988

And the Winner is…  Of course it was Jessica!

Such a beautiful baby girl!  If it wasn’t her smile, it was her personality that always won over the judges!

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Memories from Kim Villanueva…

September 1, 1989

Memories from Kim Villanueva…

“There are way too many things to list about our precious Jess some of my Fondest Memories was just being with her, taking her out yard selling and thrift shopping and her hating it she would get so mad but it was still fun.  The others I can remember where…

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Jessica and Danielle

April 15, 1991

Jessica and Danielle

Jessica and Danielle were practically best friends from birth!  These two went through everything from elementary school and girl scouts to middle school to high school together!   Carmen and I cannot be more grateful for the wonderful love and friendship that Danielle showed our sweet daughter!  True friends!

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Not only strong willed, but skilled in Judo too!

September 14, 1992

Not only strong willed, but skilled in Judo too!

Yes, she could kick your butt!  Ask many of the boys in her school class…  they learned very quickly not to mess with this feisty little girl!

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and how she loved to dance…

February 8, 1993

and how she loved to dance…

She loved her dance classes…  and loved to keep Carmen busy with it too.

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Mommy’s Maid of Honor…

July 25, 1997

Mommy’s Maid of Honor…

Jessica was the most beautiful Maid of Honor at the wedding of the most beautiful bride ever!

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Memories from Skylar…

July 25, 1997

Memories from Skylar…

“I was a terribly shy child, embarrassed by the slightest hint that someone might laugh at me, even if I was telling a joke. I remember Jess used to melt Moonpies in the microwave. They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery. I remembering asking her over and over,…

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Memories from Grammy

October 30, 1997

Memories from Grammy

Memories from Grammy…   “Once upon a time I had the honor of meeting Randy’s new wife, Carmen and her beautiful children,Jonathan and Jessica I immediately fell in love with them. Jessica loved to tease me and she had the most beautiful laugh. They would come over and go swimming…

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No-one more special in her life than her Mommy…

April 19, 1998

No-one more special in her life than her Mommy…

The special relationship of this beautiful daughter and this loving mother is one that should be an example to all daughters and mothers.   Jess adored her Mom.   Her Mom adored her.

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Memories from Heather Sippola

July 4, 1998

Memories from Heather Sippola

“I remember Jessica had the biggest crush on my little brother.  It was adorable & he liked her too- they were very young. I remember how sweet she was. And how funny too, once she was comfortable around you! I remember she was easy going & yelled at her brother…

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“The Girl of my dreams…”

August 2, 1998

“The Girl of my dreams…”

“I do have a great memory of Jessica and our son, Brendan. During a family vacation years ago, our family was waiting for our table at a restaurant when Brendan and I spotted a man selling beautiful silver rings. I encouraged Brendan to pick one out and bought it for…

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2001 – Sophomore Year… Jungle Boogie!

February 9, 2001

2001 – Sophomore Year… Jungle Boogie!

Sophomore year…  These girls were inseparable!  Sharon, Blanca, Jana, Amanda, Mina and Jessica!   These girls will never ever know how much we, as Jessica’s parents love and appreciate them for being such special and incredible friends to our Jessica.

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Senior Prom

March 4, 2002

Senior Prom

Jessica was just naturally beautiful!  I know by my saying that, you might think that I am a bit biased…  and you would be right!  I am biased!  But biased or not, the truth is the truth!

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Graduation is right around the corner!

April 29, 2002

Graduation is right around the corner!

Out to lunch…  getting ready for graduation!  A much deserved celebration!

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Abraham Lincoln… Read to find out more.

March 4, 2004

Abraham Lincoln…  Read to find out more.

“I have so many fond memories of Jessica (or Chile as I called her), but what I remember most about her was her great sense of humor. She could always make me or anyone around her laugh. She always saw the comedy in every situation and made sure to point…

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Jessica’s 19th Birthday

July 4, 2004

Jessica’s 19th Birthday

Leading up to Independence Day (July 4), our Jessica used to remind us weeks in advance that everyone was getting ready to celebrate her birthday!

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Fur babies…

March 10, 2007

Fur babies…

She always told us that the only grand babies we would get from her would have fur and be on four legs…

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Taken from us before her time was up…

October 7, 2007

Taken from us before her time was up…

Early in the morning of October 7th, 2007, our lives were changed in ways that we cannot explain.. our sweet Jessica left us…  Our Jessica left behind loving parents, grandparents, Jonathan, aunts, uncles, cousins, and many friends. Jessica was one of those people who made sure that everyone knew they…

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